Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Once upon a time two people fell in love, got married and they lived happily ever after. The End.

Good thing our story has a few more pages…

On November 21, 2009 I had the privilege to stand before God and all of my family and friends and make one of life’s most important commitments. The cool thing was that the promise I made was to my very best friend. In less than 20 short minutes we were pronounced Husband and Wife aka- Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ryan Brown.The first month of marriage has been a whirl wind of fun. From going on our Honeymoon in the Keys, setting up OUR house, spending time with our extended families thru the holidays and trying to keeping up with the daily grind of life, we sure have hit the ground running.

Now that 2010 is quickly approaching I have decided to kick the new year off by capturing OUR Journey via blog.

Enjoy our fairytale!